St. Francis MAT


A MULTI ACADEMY TRUST is a group of schools which have come together in a formal arrangement as a registered company for the purpose of improving the teaching and learning for the pupils and the career prospects of the teaching and non-teaching staff. The MAT is led by a CEO (Chief Executive Officer), assisted by a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and support staff to attain the ends of the MAT.

St Bede’s Primary Academy and St Bernard’s Catholic Academy have both applied to join the St Francis MAT and expect incorporation in the early months of 2023.

The CEO is Siobhan Kent and the CFO Sarah Graham. Fr John is a member of the Board of Directors and chairs the committee for Catholic values and ethos.

The schools at present in the MAT (and its sister MAT in the diocese, St Clair) and those seeking incorporation are listed below. It is the expressed intention of Bishop Heskett that all the schools of the diocese will eventually join either the St Francis MAT or the St Clair MAT.

A draft document on the Catholic Life of the St Francis MAT is appended. Any comments on the paper are welcome and can be addressed to Fr John through the website.

St Francis MAT:

Schools incorporated:

St Joseph’s, Primary, Rossington

St Peter’s, Primary, Doncaster

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Primary, Doncaster

Our Lady of Sorrows, Armthorpe

St Joseph’s, Primary, Retford

St Mary Magdalene, Maltby

Schools seeking incorporation in the next few months:

Holy Family, Primary, Worksop

St Patrick’s, Primary, Harworth

St Bernard’s, Rotherham

St Bede’s, Primary, Rotherham

St Gerard’s, Primary, Thrybergh

St Joseph’s, Primary, Dinnington

St Mary’s, Primary, Herringthorpe

Schools expected by the Bishop to seek incorporation in due time:

The McAuley High School, Doncaster

St Francis Xavier, Primary, Doncaster

Holy Family, Primary, Stainforth

St Mary’s Primary, Edlington

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Primary, Bentley

St Joseph & St Teresa’s, Primary, Woodlands

St Mary’s High School, Chesterfield

St Mary’s Primary, Chesterfield

Immaculate Conception, Primary, Spinkhill

St Joseph’s Primary, Staveley

Martin McDonagh FCA Chair, St Francis CMAT

Fr. John - Member of the Board of Directors. St Francis CMAT