St. Bede's
Parish Church
Christ is the morning star
Who when the night of this world is past
Brings to his saints the promise of the light of life and opens everlasting day
Welcome to

Meet Luce
LENT 2025
Jubilee Year 2025

When in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was a watery waste.....
And the ruah (wind/breath/spirit) of God hovered over the waters.....
And God said, 'Let there be light'.
Art from South Africa
Mass Times & Intentions
Mass is celebrated every SUNDAY at 09:30am and at 6pm.
Monday to Friday Mass is celebrated at 09:30am.
Saturday Mass is celebrated at 12noon
30th March 2025
4th sunday of lent
Year C

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Declan Healy, Nicola Spiller, Elizabeth Flowers, Ann Sheeran, Alison Pickersgill, Caroline Jones, Margaret Blank, Ronan McManus, Donal Finn, Catherine Davis, Peter Davison, Ann Lawrence, Anthony Dearing, Gerard Dearing, Dougie Malleappah, Millie Phillips, Damian Barr, Eileen McManus, Cath Feeney-Hickey, Rebecca Brockbank, Leslie Mitchell, Paul Deehan, Eleni Diskin, Frank Woulfe, Christine Ward, Anne O’Donovan, Kevin Morgan, Teresa Ford, Sheila Walker, Terry & Sheila Reilly, Lynn Healy, Lesley France, Peter Liversidge, Anne Casey, Gillian Norris, Agnes Greensmith, Christopher & Clifford Brown.
LATELY DEAD: Marian Macko
THANK YOU for your weekly offerings Loose, envelopes and donations:£346.55

St. Bede's Parish Church livestream Mass daily from 09:25am Sunday to Friday. There is NO Livestream on a Saturday. We can also Livestream Requiem Mass for a Funeral, Wedding celebrations and baptisms provided no Copyright Music is played via CD over the sound system.

Watch Again - SUNDAY 23rd March 2025
John Ryan was born and brought up in Leeds. He was baptised at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Seacroft (now closed); and attended St Theresa's primary School, Crossgates (now closed). After passing the 11+, he went to St Michael's College (now closed) up to A-levels. He had been accepted as a student for the priesthood for the Diocese of Leeds at the age of 15; and Bishop Wheeler invited him to pursue studies at the English College in Rome (The Venerabile). After two years philosophy and three years theology at the Gregorian University, Fr John (ordained in St Anne's Cathedral, Leeds in 1978) completed his studies for a licentiate in Fundamental Theology in 1979. He was appointed to St Peter-in-Chains, Doncaster and so was in the southern part of the Leeds diocese when the new diocese of Hallam was created (1980). He has been in exile ever since.
"Rich is the man who embraces the scripture"
-Monsignor John Ryan
"A very warm welcome to St. Bede's"
St. Bede's Church
The foundation stone of St Bede's was laid on 29th July 1841 by Benjamin Badger who had given the land on which the Church was built. The Deed of Transfer is framed and on display in the Parish Rooms.


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Part of the Diocese of Hallam – a registered charity number 512021